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Web Authoring

HTML Web Weaver Lite 3.0
BBEdit Lite v3.5.1
BBEdit HTML Extensions
GIFConverter v2.3.7
GIFConverter Documentation v2.3.7
Graphic Converter v2.5
HTML ColorMeister v1.3.5
HTML ColourTool v1.0
Little Men Studio
TableMaker v1.1
XTML v1.3.0
MacHTTP v2.2
MacHTTP v2.2.2 Updater
Mac-ImageMap v1.3
WebMap v1.0.1
GIFBuilder 0.4
MacWebCam v2.1
Arachnid v1.8.5
Arachnid Player v0.5b
Arachnid Docs 1.4b

HTML Web Weaver Lite 3.0
HTML Web Weaver (formerly known as HTML SuperText) is a text editor that allows you to create HTML (HyperText Markup Language) documents quickly and easily through use of special characters and tags. Anyone who needs to create HTML documents will love its simplicity and speed.

Requires System 7 or later

BBEdit Lite v3.5.1
BBEdit Lite is the smaller sibling of BBEdit 3.0, the popular commercial text editor. It is less complex, yet still powerful enough for most text processing needs. BBEdit Lite is one of the best text editors available and highly recommended for both beginners and techno-nerds. Features include GREP searching, multi-file searching, extensible architecture with plug-in modules, and the ability to work with text files greater than 32K in size. Version 3.0 improves interface elements (many cribbed from the full BBEdit 3.0) and adds many preferences choices, including automatic line wrapping! Version 3.5 includes some PowerPC code, has soft line-wrapping, has an updated Find dialog, and fixes several bugs. Version 3.5.1 fixes bugs.

BBEdit HTML Extensions
This archive contains a set of 16 BBEdit extensions to help in the creation of HTML documents using the BBEdit or BBEdit Lite text editors. HTML documents are the tagged text documents which describe World Wide Web pages. The documentation comes in the form of an HTML page, so you'll need a WWW browser to read it properly. The extensions are: anchor, comment, form, form input, form select, form text area, format, heading, image, link, paragraph, preview, specials, style, template and open URL.

Requires BBEdit (including Lite)

GIFConverter v2.3.7
View GIF, TIFF, RIFF, JPEG, RLE, PICT, startup screen, Paint or Thunderscan docs on any Macintosh! GIFConverter also lets you save to any of these formats, plus EPS, or print them to any Macintosh printer. The documentation is available as file "GIFConverter Documentation" in this library. The author conscientiously updates this fine program to keep it compatible with all the latest Macs and software. It may be the only graphics conversion program you'll ever need.

GIFConverter Documentation v2.3.7
This is GIFConverter 2.3.7 documentation in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. The documentation contains hypertext links and bookmarks, and is exactly the same as is mailed to registered users. GIFConverter itself is in file "GIFConverter" (also available on ZMac).

Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader 2.0 or later

Graphic Converter v2.5
GraphicConverter is a first-class graphics conversion program that will do just about anything you could possibly want with graphics you have. It supports all of the popular graphics formats (see below). It not only can import just about anything that you come across, it can also export to most common formats, including startup screen format as well as QuickTime. GraphicConverter imports PICT, Startup-Screen, MacPaint, TIFF (uncompressed, packbits, CCITT3/4 and lzw), GRP, VFF, RIFF, PICS, 8BIM, 8BPS/PSD, JPEG/JFIF, GIF, PCX/SCR, GEM-IMG/-XIMG, BMP (RLE compressed BMP's also), ICO/ICN, PIC (16 bit), FLI/FLC, TGA, MSP, PIC (PC Paint), SCX (ColoRIX), SHP, WPG, PBM/PGM/PPM, CGM (only binary), SUN (uncompressed), RLE, XBM, PM, IFF/LBM, PAC, Degas, T INY, NeoChrome, PIC (ATARI), SPU/SPC, GEM-Metafile, Animated NeoChrome, Imagic, ImageLab/Print Technic, HP-GL/2, FITS, SGI, DL, XWD, WMF, Scitex-CT, DCX, KONTRON, Lotus-PIC, Dr. Halo, Apple IIgs graphics, TRS80, ppat, QDV, SOFTIMAGE, IPLAB, GATAN, CVG, MSX, PNG, PSION, SIXEL, RAW, PCD, ST-X, SUN rasterfile type 3, JPEG 6.0, and ALIAS pix. GraphicConverter exports PICT, Startup-Screen, MacPaint, TIFF (uncompressed, packbits and lzw), GIF (including interlaced), PCX, GEM-IMG/-XIMG, BMP (including RLE compressed), IFF/LBM, TGA, PSD, JPEG/JFIF, HP-GL/2, EPSF, Movie (QuickTime), SUN, PICS, PICT in Resource, PBM/PGM/PPM, ppat, SOFTIMAGE, PNG (w/pre-filter), PSION, RAW, WMF, XWD, AND XBM. Import of PICT, TGA, Photoshop and TIFF with alpha channel is supported, as is export to PICT, TGA and Photoshop with alpha channel. Documentation and support is superb for this program, and although the price is a bit above normal shareware prices, you won't be disappointed with this flexible, high-powered graphics program. Requires System 7 or later, color-capable Mac

HTML ColorMeister v1.3.5
Adding background and text colors to HTML documents can be a bit of a pain, especially when your authoring tool of choice doesn't provide you with a color picker. That's why John Cope's HTML ColorMeister is a godsend, offering a handy color wheel and the ability to generate a skeleton HTML document that includes the tags for a background tile or color and for colored text.

HTML ColourTool v1.0
If you have ever written a web page, it becomes quickly apparent that today's tools don't provide nearly enough color control. Even for simple stuff, like changing the color of text or links isn't as easy as it should be. Making this process a bit easier is HTML ColourTool. It's a small utility that allows users to use the Mac's own color picker to choose a html color. Once the color is chosen, a window displays it and the color's HEX value (necessary for html documents). The HEX value can then be entered into your home page manually. HTML ColourTool is a very useful utility, but it does suffer from a few shortcomings: it doesn't allow users to copy and paste the HEX value of the color, and it doesn't allow multiple colors to be displayed at the same time. Short of that, HTML ColourTool is an invaluable utility for web writers. Requirements: color Mac

Requires color Mac

Little Men Studio
At Little Men Studio, Inc. we create and publish web element and icon/clip art collections for the web, marketing and publishing created by our staff, many of whom are award winning designers. To read detailed descriptions of our 11 products, read the PRODUCT file in our folder. To see and hear more samples visit our web site or contact us.

Read our product file to find out how we can create custom web graphics for you.

You can order by fax, phone, e-Mail (transactions secured) or regular mail. Visit our site to download for purchase or order boxed versions.

We except checks and all major credit cards.

TEL: 203-544-8708 212-479-8592
FAX: 203-544-9722
E-MAIL lmenstudio@aol.com

TableMaker v1.1
This sophisticated Perl-based tool lets you create HTML tables out of tab- or comma-delimited text files. Just drag and drop a text file onto this program, and then select which settings file you would like. TableMaker will automatically convert your delimited text into a table in any of a number of different formats.

Requires System 7 or later

XTML v1.3.0
A great resource for Web authors, XTML lets you export your Microsoft Excel spreadsheets as HTML tables. It includes support for borders, text formatting, and even cells spanning multiple columns. If you want to include Excel tables on your web site, this product is well worth a look.

Requires MS Excel 5.0 or later

MacHTTP v2.2
Ever had the desire to delve into the secrets of Internet servers without leaving the comfort of your own Mac? Well, now's your big chance. MacHTTP provides the software and information needed to establish your Mac as -- are you ready for this? -- a World Wide Web server. Just as Peter N. Lewis' FTPd (in this library) allows the Mac to act as an FTP server, MacHTTP opens up the Internet architecture in a way that may well bring the Mac to the forefront of Internet connectivity, as the plug-and-play darling in an otherwise confusing field. The program itself doesn't look like much: as with its Unix predecessors, it relies on a text-based interface, monospaced font and decidedly non-Maclike controls. Its beauty lies in its internal workings and it s documentation. The latter is formatted in HTML (use an WWW browser such as NCSA Mosaic to view) and gives the most complete description of HTTP servers that I've ever seen. For those of you with Internet connections (most of the target audience for this utility, I reckon), links in the documentation will send you off to remote sites, so that you're always certain of having the latest versions of needed files and information. These days, there seem to be few programs which fulfil the original concept of the Mac as "The machine for the rest of us." MacHTTP is one of them. It ports a function which was available only to those with lots of time, experience and money and brings it home to the Mac user with little. For the serious Internet maven, it's golden.

Requires MacTCP, System 7 or later, AppleScript for some functions

MacHTTP 2.2.2 Updater
This is a MANDATORY update for anyone using MacHTTP. It corrects a potential security problem which could allow unauthorized access to your hard drive. It will only only work on version 2.2 of MacHTTP, which is also available in this library. MacHTTP lets you set-up a WWW server on your Macintosh. It relies on a text-based interface, monospaced font and decidedly non-Maclike controls. Its beauty lies in its internal workings and its documentation.

Requires MacHTTP 2.2

Mac-ImageMap v1.3
If you've been playing around on the Internet's World Wide Web lately, you've probably come across some image maps. These are the fancy graphical displays in which you can click on buttons, icons, pictures of fish, et cetera and be sent to the appropriate location. If you're making your own World Wide Web pages, using MacHTTP as a server, Mac-ImageMap will let you perform the same magic. Mac-ImageMap (not be confused with imagemap, a similar utility that works in conjunction with MacPerl) is a CGI script, an application that handles special tasks for your MacHTTP Web server. In this case, the special task is responding when the user clicks on an image map. Mac-ImageMap leaps into action, reads the image map file and then tells the MacHTTP server where to send you. There are at least three utilities that can play this role in conjunction with MacHTTP. Mac-ImageMap is my favorite, though, on grounds of flexibility. You can fine-tune its behavior by editing a text configuration file, and maps can be stored in any location. You need to list the locations of your image map files in the configuration file, though, which can be a bit of an inconvenience.

Requires MacHTTP 2.0 or later, System 7 or later

WebMap v1.0.1
This handy application is indispensable for any World Wide Web publisher interested in making those cool clickable image maps. Crafting an image map file by hand, specifying point coordinates for all the active areas, is a frightening task from which WebMap completely liberates you. WebMap's straightforward drawing program-style interface makes it a snap to take a GIF illustration and create the corresponding image map file; you simply open your GIF document, draw the active, clickable areas on top of it, and then associate an URL with each area. The image map can either be exported as text, or stored temporarily in the GIF document's resource fork (which is convenient, but incurs the risk of accidentally overwriting the image map). The current version is not without its shortcomings, though. WebMap doesn't support all the possible image map options, like the "point" feature supported by Mac-ImageMap, in which clicks can be mapped to the nearest of several hot spots. Tweaking the image map file by hand is still an option -- but thanks to WebMap, it's no longer a necessity.

GIFBuilder 0.4
GifBuilder lets you create animations for your Web pages without requiring any fancy plug-ins, Java applets, or server-pushes. After you've created a multi-frame animation in an authoring app, drag-and-drop the frames into GifBuilder. It will convert them into a special kind of GIF file, one which supports multiple frames. Browsers that don't support GIF animation will still display the first frame of the file as if it were a regular GIF. But animated GIF-savvy browsers, including Netscape Navigator 2.0 and higher, will play all the frames of your animation, giving you an easy, low-tech method of sprucing up your pages. In addition to being very drag-and-drop-savvy, GifBuilder is also AppleScriptable, making it easy to automate the creation of animated GIFs.

Requires System 7 and 32-bit color QuickDraw, web browser that supports animated GIFs

MacWebCam v2.1
The Web is famous for "live" photo sites, from a coffee pot in England to a fishtank at Netscape Communications HQ. Now you can put your own smiling mug live on the net with MacWebCam, assuming you've got a video camera (such as a Connectix QuickCam) and a Net connection. What MacWebCam does is take periodic snapshots with your video camera (you specify the interval) and save them to your hard drive. If your Mac is running WebSTAR, that's probably all you need. (MacWebCam will even create .raw files that'll let you put live-action movies on your WebSTAR server.) If you have to upload your pictures to a remote server, MacWebCam can even execute an AppleScript to take care of the upload. Unlike other Web camera utilities, MacWebCam is easy to configure, stable, and handles errors (such as failed uploads due to a flaky FTP server) quite well. It lets you place time and date stamps wherever you want on your images, and even lets you import graphics to superimpose. MacWebCam saves images in PICT, GIF, or JPEG formats, and even offers snazzy camera features like time-lapse photography. This update lowers the registration fee and adds numerous enhancements, such as automatic exposure control.

Requires Video camera, Internet connection preferred

Arachnid v1.8.5
Arachnid is a unique and promising tool for creating both custom WWW Home Pages and stand-alone multimedia applications. "Web pages" are the medium of the World Wide Web. Arachnid helps you create Web pages by providing a graphical toolbox of all the elements that the Web supports. This includes tools for creating heading text, lists, popup menus, and so on. It also allows you to manage the URL links to other pages, as well as embedding sounds, graphics and QuickTime movies. If you're building pages that don't link to other Web sites, you can distribute your creations with the Arachnid Player (a separate download) instead of putting them on the World Wide Web. This makes Arachnid an excellent prototyping tool for creating, then demonstrating, your Web pages to people who might not have access to the Internet. Arachnid is freeware from the University of Iowa. It's big, a bit sluggish, and not-yet-finished. However, it has the potential to do for Web publishing what PageMaker did for DTP. Documentation is not included in this archive, it's available as a separate download, in PDF format. If you're not quite sure Arachnid is for you, check out the documentation first!

Arachnid Player v0.5b
Arachnid Player is a stand-alone program that allows you to view multimedia projects that have been created with Arachnid. Arachnid is a graphic-based system for creating World Wide Web and multimedia projects. It is available as a separate download. Documentation is available as a separate download, although this application is simple enough to figure out much of it without reading the docs.

Requires Windows 95.

Arachnid Docs 1.4b
This is the documentation for Arachnid and Arachnid Player. This 31-page Acrobat document is well-illustrated and organized. It's essential for taking advantage of Arachnid's World Wide Web and Multimedia toolkit. Arachnid and Arachnid Player are available as separate downloads, in this library.

Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader

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